Property Location: Tempe Clear

Storage Space Located at Marrast Hill, Tempe, St.George’s.  On the main road, close to the Coco Cola factory. Unfurnished storage property, consisting of approximately 1680 sqft of space, with open area, kitchen, bathroom, smaller back room. Property completely fenced with electric and water. Strictly storage rental. Rental: ec$1200  

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Marrast Tempe, St. George, Grenada
USD $1,000

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Spacious, lovely, fully furnished upstairs home, comprising of 3 full sized bedrooms, three baths, open concept kitchen, dining rooms, expansive living area, front and back verandahs, covered one car garage with additional parking. The master bedroom is airconditioned, has dual power and an extensive manicured yard with bearing fruit trees. This property is located at Marrast Hill, Tempe on the suburbs of the town of St George’s. It is 10-15 minutes drive to town of St George and Grandanse center. Inquire now!!!

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Harmony Tempe, St. George, Grenada
USD $626 /month

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Centrally located house with a welcoming garden close to schools and 10 minutes from the town of St. George. The 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in the house exits into a balcony, with comfortable living, dining and kitchen space for a family. Rented unfurnished excluding kitchen appliances, i.e a refrigerator and cooking stove.

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